Tēnā tātou katoa,
We acknowledge the many challenges that our community has faced over the past few years, from Covid-19 to the Cyclone response.
Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa is your friendly Iwi service provider and among our normal programmes and services we deliver, we are here to assist or connect you with services that will enhance community and whānau wellbeing.
If you need assistance, please feel free to contact our office on:
09 4080141/0800 836 726 or email admin@terarawa.co.nz
Please note our previous Covid support line will be closed down and the above will be the main point of contact for assistance.
~ Protect our whānau and whakapapa ~
~ Mana Motuhake over our Hauora ~
~ Protecting our kaumatua for future generations ~
Covid-19 Advice and Information
Disposal of masks and rapid antigen tests
With the widespread use of disposable face masks and rapid antigen tests here are some key messages on their safe disposal.
Disposing of face masks
- Carefully remove your disposable mask to avoid contaminating your hands and store or dispose of it safely after use.
- Place used face masks and gloves into household or public rubbish bins for safe disposal at landfills.
- Do not dispose of used face masks in household or public recycling bins.
- Read more on the Ministry for Environment website.
Disposing of RATs
- When you are ready to dispose of your rapid antigen test:
- Place the test and any other contaminated material, such as swabs, fluids and bottles, into the plastic bag provided, or another bag
- Seal the bag and place it into your general household rubbish bin - not in your recycling bin
- You can recycle the cardboard packaging and instructions.
Read more on the Ministry for Environment website.
Ventilation and COVID-19
- The more people in a room together, the greater the risk of infections spreading from person to person.
- Along with wearing masks and staying home if you’re sick, improving air ventilation can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses.
- Taking steps to improve ventilation make homes and workplace safer for everyone reducing the chance of people getting sick.
- View different information on ventilation here Air and ventilation
After you have had COVID-19
As you recover from a winter-time respiratory illness or COVID-19, you might find you get tired easily or become breathless. This is a common part of getting better after you have been sick. Try not to rush back to your regular activities, go easy. Make sure you:
- get plenty of sleep
- eat well
- rest if you need to
- pace yourself.
If you have any concerns, you should talk to your doctor or healthcare professional.
For more advice about returning to work, early learning/school/kura, and exercise after COVID-19, visit the Unite against COVID-19.
Increased access to masks
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to protect those at highest risk from COVID-19, access to free masks is being increased.
More masks are being provided through healthcare providers and community organisations and when people collect RATs from collection sites, they can pick up face masks.
Both medical masks and P2/N95 particulate respirator masks are available, with those people at highest risk of severe illness being prioritised for P2/N95 masks.
Increased access to antiviral medication
From Monday 18 July 2022, anyone over 75 years of age who has tested positive for COVID-19 or anyone who has been admitted previously to an Intensive Care Unit directly as a result of COVID-19 will be eligible to access antivirals through their doctor.
We ask whānau to do three things:
- Get vaccinated
- Wear a mask in many or most indoor settings
- Isolate when māuiui to suppress the spread of the virus over the remaining winter months.
If we all do our part, we can take the pressure off the health system.
Additional measures are being rolled out to help whānau stay well. These extra measures will help get us and the health system through the winter months.
Including free access to RA Tests and Masks
You can find the nearest site to collect your RA Tests and masks on Healthpoint
Information sourced from: Ministry of Health and Unite against Covid-19
He puna kaumātua, he puna mātauranga
Through the wisdom of our elders, comes knowledge.

Ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa i tēnei wā.