

Crown Settlement For Historical Breaches Of Te Tiriti O Waitangi / The Treaty Of Waitangi Against Te Rarawa

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the key redress included in these settlements?

  • Crown acknowledgements of past wrongs and an apology to Te Rarawa.
  • Financial quantum of $33.84M.
  • Transfer of farms:
    • Te Karae
    • Part Sweetwater
  •  A share (through tenancy in common) of Crown forest lands on Aupōuri Peninsula (21,283 ha) and accumulated rentals (approximately $2.2M).
  • Option to purchase other Crown properties, some of which will be leased back to the Crown.
  • Vesting of cultural redress sites:
    • Te Rarawa 18 sites, 896 ha (approx.)
    • Nine sites jointly in two or more Te Hiku iwi
  • Co-governance arrangements over public conservation land (with the Crown) and Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē / Ninety Mile Beach (with Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council).
  • Shared cultural redress payments as contribution to Te Oneroa-a-Töhē / Ninety Mile Beach co-governance arrangement ($400,000 Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board, $275,000 for the recognition of Te Rarawa historical and cultural association with Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē).
  • Individual cultural redress funds ($380,000) to assist iwi to undertake projects of cultural significance.
  • A Social Development and Wellbeing Accord, setting out how Te Hiku o Te Ika iwi and the Crown will work together to transform the social circumstances of Te Hiku o Te Ika whänau, hapü and iwi (including a one-off Crown contribution of $815,000 for each iwi towards implementation).


Is there any private land being transferred?

  • No. However the Crown will acquire four Far North District Council properties, via a willing seller - willing buyer arrangement, to vest in Te Rarawa as cultural redress.


Are the public's rights affected?

  • In general, all existing public access rights in relation to areas affected by this settlement will be preserved.
  • Aupōuri Crown forest land is transferring – once the land transfers out of Crown ownership, the agreement of the landowner (iwi) will be required for both foot and vehicular access other than use of Hukatere Road. The scope of such access will remain subject to the forestry operational requirements of the licensee.


Are any place names being changed?

  • Yes. Place names are significant for recognising iwi associations with geographic areas.
  •  23 geographic names will be amended through the Te Hiku iwi settlements, including dual Māori-English names for:
    • Ninety Mile Beach (Te Oneroa-a-Töhē / Ninety Mile Beach)
    • Shipwreck Bay (Te Köhanga / Shipwreck Bay)
    • Spirits Bay (Piwhane / Spirits Bay)
    • Cape Reinga (Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua)


Will Te Rarawa have the right to come back and make further claims about the behaviour of the Crown in the 19th and 20th centuries?

  • Once the Deed of Settlement was ratified and passed into law, both parties agreed it would be a final and comprehensive settlement of all historical (relating to events before 21 September 1992) Treaty of Waitangi claims by Te Rarawa.
  • The settlement packages will still allow Te Rarawa to pursue claims against the Crown for acts or omissions after 21 September 1992, as well as claims based on the continued existence of aboriginal title or customary rights. The Crown retains the right to dispute such claims or the existence of such title rights.


Who benefits from the settlements?

  • All members of Te Rarawa wherever they may now live, will benefit from the settlements.