

Te Rarawa Anga Mua

Applications are open for an Independent Director/Trustee

Te Rarawa Anga Mua (TRAM) is a subsidiary of Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa tasked with supporting the inter-generational development of Te Rarawa whānau, hapū, marae and Iwi with a focus on social, environmental, cultural and economic well-being.  TRAM is a charitable trust with roles and responsibilities set out in its trust deed.

Te Rarawa Anga Mua is calling for expressions of interest for one independent Director/Trustee.  Independent trustees must not be Trustees /Directors of Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa or employees.

Role of the Independent Director/Trustee:

The term of the appointment shall be for three years, with the appointee eligible to be considered for further terms. The role of the Director/Trustee is to provide strategic governance over trust activities to ensure that Te Rarawa resources invested by the Rūnanga are used in an innovative and sustainable way to meet the current and future needs of the whānau, hapū and Iwi of Te Rarawa. Trustees will be guided by the long-term Iwi Strategic Plan.

Skills and attributes that Trustees should have include:

  • Vision and leadership skills
  • Experience in governance and/or management
  • Relevant sectorial knowledge (e.g. education, health, social development, environmental management etc.)
  • Knowledge of Te Rarawa tikanga, communities, and people
  • Appropriate understanding of te reo an advantage

Key Tasks Include:

  • Strategic governance and oversight
  • Development of a long-term strategic plan aimed at fulfilling Te Rarawa’s vision
  • Development of an annual statement of intent
  • Working with the Rūnanga and the Executive
  • Ensuring the Group is meeting its legal and compliance requirements, (i.e. Constitution, Health and Safety, Accounting, Charitable trust etc)
  • Reporting back to the Rūnanga at its AGM including an annual report on the past financial year and a plan for the new financial year, and as required

Appointment process

Applicants are required to provide a summary (no more than 850 words) outlining your skills, knowledge, and experience and why you should be considered for this vacancy. You should take into consideration the Key Functions and Job Overview (including any detailed position specific requirements) when drafting your response. Where possible include specific relevant examples of your work experience.

Examples should include:

  • Detail of what your role was;
  • Describe what you did and how you did it; and
  • Describe what you achieved and how it would relate to the position.

How to apply

To complete your application, please forward your Curriculum Vitae by:

  • By post to: PO Box 361, Kaitāia, Northland, 0441
  • Delivering to the Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Office, 16 Matthews Avenue, Kaitāia.

Applications close: 3.00pm, Friday 13th November 2024

Downloadable documents

TRAM: Ideal Person Specification - Independant Director | Trustee

Application pack for employment