Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa
Kamuku kamuku kameke kameke
Kamuku kamuku kameke kameke
Kūmea kūmea e Te Rarawa Kaiwhare e
Nā te hekenga i hora te tūāpapa
I te Moana-Tāpokopoko-a-Tāwhaki
Ki te papa Tuputupu-Whenua
Hara mai te toki o Te Rarawa Kaiwhare
To withdraw, to hang back
Pull away, pull away Te Rarawa
Uplift, uplift your aspirations
Your absolute sovereignty
From the valleys of the Hokianga
To the flotsum foam of Hukatere
Pull away your ancestral canoe Tīnana
Look to your ancestors who cleared the way
From the great Pacific Ocean
and the swelling seas of the Tasman
To the spiritual earth of Tuputupu-Whenua
To the essence of the fish
To the shores of the west wind
The wave that casts you ashore
Bring hither the adze of Te Rarawa
Come together, rise forth!
This haka was written by Joseph Cooper of Te Waiāriki and Te Kaitūtae hapū during Te Rarawa Treaty negotiations which began in 2002. Like his mother Dame Whina Cooper, he challenged the Crown about their ability and sincerity to fully erase the stigma that rested with them after the many breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. In 2009, it was first performed as a pātere by a combined roopu of Panguru, Manganuiowae and Opononi students, then later revised and developed into a haka during the 2014 Te Rarawa Noho Taiao. The rangi was arranged by Selena Bercic of Patutoka hapū.