

Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa

Te Maunga Tarakeha



Te Maunga Tarakeha 

E tū iho nei  

Te maunga kōrero 

O ngā tūpuna e 


Maukoro Te Rēinga 

Panguru me Ōngaro 

Ngā maunga tautoko 



Hōhaia, Kōringarau 

Mātihetihe kei waenganui 

I ngā awa Wairoa Moetangi 


Tao Māui, Patutoka, Te Rēinga 

Te Uri o Tai, e tū atu nei 

Ki te hakahōnore 

Te kaupapa o te wā nei e 


Ka mihi atu 

Ki ngā mate 

Kua ngaro atu rā 

Ki te pō uriuri 

Ki te pō tangotango 

Ki te pō oti atu e


The mountain Tarakeha 

Standing within 

As the speaking voice 

Of our ancestors 


Maukoro Te Rēinga  

Panguru and Ōngaro 

Are the supporting  

Mountains of Mātihetihe 


The schools Hōhaia, Kōringarau and 

Matihetihe were situated between the 

Wairoa and Moetangi creeks 


The sub-tribes Tao Māui, Patutoka 

Te Reinga, Te Uri o Tai supporting the Celebration of the day 


As the days go on we acknowledge  

Those who have passed on  

And who have made their journey to the everlasting life




This waiata was composed by Ben Martin of Te Tao Māui hapū and Winnie Martin of Parewhero hapū.  The pātere was written for the Te Kura o Mātihetihe centenary celebration in 1990. It talks of the significant landmarks and place names of Mātihetihe and the surrounding area.