Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa
Tēnā rā koutou katoa e te iwi e
Ngā mihi o tēnei wā ki a koutou katoa
Haere mai e te whānau kuia kaumātua … mokopuna
Rapua ngā taonga hei painga māu
Ko mātou tēnei te whānau o Te Rarawa
E mirimiri i te ngākau kia tika te patu o te manawa
Haere mai rā ngā uri o Te Rarawa
Ngā mana, ngā reo, ngā waka haere mai
Haere mai e te whānau kuia kaumātua … mokopuna
Rapua ngā taonga hei painga māu
Ko mātou tēnei te whānau o Te Rarawa
E mirimiri i te ngākau kia tika te patu o te manawa
Haere mai rā ngā uri o Te Rarawa,
Ngā mana, ngā reo, ngā waka haere mai
Tēnā rā koutou katoa e te iwi e … hī aue hi
We acknowledge all of you at this time
Come one and all, our elders, and their mokopuna
And seek those things which will hold you in good stead
We the whānau of Te Rarawa
Who want to ease and settle your heart’s discomfort
Come all who descend from Te Rarawa
The prestige and utterance of all people
From all waka, we acknowledge you
This waiata was composed by Francis Tīpene of Te Kaitūtae and Te Uri o Tai hapū of Te Rarawa. The upbeat waiata calls upon the descendants of Te Rarawa to come together, unite and support each to have meaningful lives.