Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa
Waimirirangi he mana wahine
Tōtara haemata o ngā uri e
Kei reira rā Te Waiariki, Te Uri o Te Aho
Whānau Moko, Parewhero, me Ngāti Moroki
Waimirirangi te kuini o tātou katoa
Waimirirangi te kuini o tātou katoa
Waimirirangi, a woman of nobel lineage
Like the canopy of the totara, the highest of her descendents
Te Rēinga is the mountian
Ngāti Te Rēinga, the people
Waihou is the bosom of our people
Also residing there are Te Waiāriki, Te Uri o Te Aho, Te Waekoi, Te Whānau Moko, Parewhero and Ngāti Moroki
Waimirirangi, is our queen
Waihou Marae (Te Waiāriki, Te Uri o Te Aho, Te Waekoi, Te Whānau Moko, Parewhero, Ngāti Moroki, Ngati Te Reinga, Korotu and Kainga Mataa) composed this waiata in 2007 during a wānanga at Whaiora Marae in Otara. It was arranged by Mere Te Tai of Ngāti Porou. This waiata-ā-ringa is used to uplift whānau at various occasions and celebrations for Waihou Marae.