Warawara Whakaora Ake Restoration Project
- To facilitate the healing of the Warawara Forest ecosystem through the active participation of kaitiaki.
- To build the capability of the Warawara Komiti Kaitiaki, the Department of Conservation, and other Agencies as required, to work together collaboratively in the ongoing management of the Warawara Forest.
- Support the Komiti Kaitiaki to develop an ecological management plan.
- Identify and gather matauranga Maori pertaining to Warawara, including the identification of significant sites for rongoa, mahinga kai, tikanga etc.
- Hui through wananga and kahui kaumatua.
- Deliver/share matauranga pertaining to Warawara with local schools and marae, and have it embedded into their curriculum.
- Ceate learning opportunities for school students in the management of Warawara.
- Set up a Community Pest Control Areas (CPCA) programme in conjunction with Northland Regional Council (NRC) for the land blocks between Mitimiti, Pawarenga Beach and the Warawara Conservation Area.
- Identify potential funders and make applications for workforce component of 3-4 workers.
- Work with Department of Conservation (DOC) to initiate an agreed pest control programme on co-managed conservation area.
- Promote kiwi aversion training for dogs.
- Establish a safe kiwi sanctuary within Warawara.
- Encourage and support scientists and university students to do research/thesis studies on Te Warawara.
- Scope and set up training programmes in conservation management, pest control and other relevant programmes as required, utilising the skills within our communities whenever possible.
- Scope and create roles and responsibilities for permanent kaitiaki to be deployed.
- Create a network of tracks in Warawara.
- Establish a permanent kaitiaki centre in Warawara with decent sleeping, cooking and washing facilities, based on eco-principles that can be supported by international environmental organisations.
- Develop and maintain good relationships with all stakeholders.
Introducing the Warawara Komiti Kaitiaki
The Warawara Komiti Kaitiaki are a collective of representatives from our marae. The Komiti meet every month to discuss the issues impacting Te Warawara ranges and forge plans to mitigate such kaupapa and move forward. Their objectives are outline above and we appreciate their time and efforts to ensure the protection and health of our taonga.
Waiparera Marae: John Smart - Chairman
Matihietihe Marae: Edwina Davis
Te Kotahitanga Marae: Jo Murray
Morehu Marae: Shane Tamati
Ohaki Marae: Melanie Sweet
Taiao Marae: Erina Adams
Waipuna Marae: Maihi Makiha
Ngati Manawa Marae: Mina Pomare
Motuti Marae: To be advised
Waihou Marae: Whina Te Whiu